
Eric Cole releases one of the coolest hookjaws ever spring of 2009...

This fish was 8.5 pounds at an amazing 25.5 inches long! This "pumpkin brown" is one of the most unique fish we have ever seen! The 5" AC Stickbait in rainbow did the damage...

Jim S. releases a 7 pound AC caught Canadian bull trout...

Jim S. releases a 7 pound bull trout that ate a 7" AC Original.

River brown trout takes to the air during fight!

Nice little river brown gets airborn for John K. The fish crushed the 5" AC Stickbait...

Brown Trout Release

Mark Wiza releases a nice 5 pounder that crushed a rainbow AC stickbait.

Jim S. releasing a nice 8 pound rainbow

Jim S. hooked this rainbow on a dark rainbow AC Original.

Flaming Gorge lake trout action!

Eric Cole and friends got into an epic shallow water mackinaw bite at the gorge. The fish were crushing the 7" Original.

Vintage footage of Jim Bringhurst and Allan Cole at Flaming Gorge

Gotta love wide open bites on big lakers! Go "old school" and check out some shallow water AC action on big macks!

Nice Cutthroat Trout ate a 12" Original

Here is a nice Lahontan Cutthroat that crushed a 12" firetiger orginal at Pyramid Lake. They love the big stuff!