7.3 Pound Smallmouth Landed on AC
Look at that fat belly and thick fins. What a cool, old fish. This smallie was gorging on some smaller trout that the AC Original 7" matched perfectly. It weighed 7.3 on the scale. One of the larger SMB models landed in recent years.

Allan Cole Inducted into the Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame!
Only 5 people were inducted for 2025 and Allan was selected to be one of them. This is a great achievement for one of the best fishermen of all time!
17 Pound Brown Caught on AC Plug!
Oregon legend John Hofferd landed a true monster of a brown trout. Weighing in at 17 pounds, it is one of the largest caught on the west coast for 2024. It was caught on an AC Original.

60 Pound Lake Trout
Throwback to the largest lake trout ever caught on an AC Plug. Marlin Columbe caught this monster 60 pounder at Great Bear Lake on a 15" AC Minnow!

22lb 10 oz Brown Landed Upper Twin Lake - Caught on AC Skinny
Angler Thomas G. landed the beast. As far as we know this is the 2nd largest brown ever landed at Upper Twin and one of the top 10 largest browns EVER landed in CA. It was caught on an 8" AC Skinny in rainbow color.
October 2023
Allan Cole Fishing Accomplishments
-56 Browns over 10lbs out of 11 different lakes, out of 4 different states, including a 26 pounder.
-100s of Browns between 8 and 10lbs out of 33 different lakes and 9 states.
-65 largemouth Bass over 10lbs up to 17lbs out of 5 different lakes.
-Nevada State Record Striper at 63 lbs.
-31 Stripers over 40 lbs
-132 Stripers over 30 lbs caught…in California and Nevada.
-Hundreds of Albacore caught over 20 years including the California record from 1974-1979
Also, check out this cool inteview with Allan done by the Big Bass Podcast about how the Swimbait Revolution started:

Monster Bull Trout Landed on AC
The largest documented bull trout from Oregon in the last few years was just landed on the new AC Breakout. This fish was close to 20 pounds!
The New A.C. Break Out
The new AC Break Out catches giant browns, cutthroat, lake trout, bull trout and any other trout species that eats baitfish. Grab some from our store and catch your fish of a lifetime.

Allan gets 2 over 10 in 2 days!
Allan catches his 51 and 52 brown trout over 10 pounds using a the new AC "Breakout". Stay tuned!
Allan with his 50th over 10 Pounds
After chasing brown trout for over 50 years Allan finally hit his lifetime goal of 50 west coast brown trout over 10 pounds!

AC Plugs #1 Iconic Swimbait All Time
This article is a few years old but still timely. https://sdfish.com/top-lists/top-12-most-iconic-swimbaits-of-all-time/13/ SD Fish voted the AC Plug as the #1 most iconic swimbait of all time. They got it exactly right: "The one thing that is not up for debate is that the AC Plug took the big bass chase by storm in the early 1990s, and set forth the motion that inspired every other bait on this list."
Allan Catches 3 over 10 in One Trip!
He does it again. Allan landed 3 over 10 in one trip on AC Plugs. He got most of his fish on the AC Ripbait and some on the AC Skinny. His fish were topped by a 13 pound hookjaw. The other two hens were between 10 and 11 pounds. Congrats to Allan on 48 browns over 10 pounds!
HUGE Colorado River Striper Caught!
Monster 36 pound striper caught at the river on a 9" AC Original. This is the largest fish we have heard of in 4 years. Check out the details in our forums.

Allan Wins Sierra Opener Big Fish Contest!
Just got the word that Allan has officially won a boat package worth $16K for catching the biggest trout opening weekend in the Sierras (for those who entered). https://www.facebook.com/Western-Outdoor-News-224608320891286/
Check out the forums for more details.
Great job Allan!

Monster Oregon Lake Trout on AC
Check out this beast measuring 41" x 26" that was landed by AC Hot Stick Jackson Stall. This is one of the largest mackinaw to come out of Oregon in the last few years. Check out the forum for more details.

Largemouth Bass
The AC is still knocking them dead all over the USA and the world even after 25 years. Here is a pic of two nice LB from New Hampshire caught on AC Plugs.

MONSTER brown caught on AC Plug!!
One of the largest reported browns from California so far this year was landed recently on a black and silver AC Skinny. The monster hen weighed in at an incredible 17 pounds! Go to our forums for more details...

MONSTER 45 Pound Striped Bass Caught!
Rod Howard just landed one of the largest stripers in several years to come from the Colorado River. The beast crushed a 9" AC Minnow and weighed in at just over 45 pounds. You can get more details in our forums.

Monster 14.5 Pound Largemouth Caught on AC Minnow!!
Just got this pic of a beautiful 14.5 pound largemouth caught on a big 'ol 9" AC Plug "Minnow" fished as a wakebait. Marcus said, "Personal best for me. Thanks for a great plug!!" Check out our discussion forums for a high res pic...